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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
January 22, 2008, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Ferguson, Barkman, Wright, Cramer and Kaley.
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director

Executive session to discuss potential purchases of properties convened at 5:00 p.m. and adjourned at 6:05 p.m.

The public hearing was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

I.      Public Participation

Anne Peters, Chair of the Newtown Inland Wetlands Commission, was present as an observer.

II.     Minutes

Minutes of December 11, 2007.  Commissioner Ferguson motioned to approve minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  Motion carried unanimously.

Minutes of January 8, 2008.  Commissioner Kaley motioned to approve minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Ferguson.  Motion carried unanimously.

III.    Old Business

1.      Action on Recommendation to Planning & Zoning to Clarify Open Space Definition.

Mr. Sibley distributed draft copies of the Open Space Definition.  The Commissioners were asked to review the document and supply Mr. Sibley with comments or suggestions prior to the February 26th meeting, at which time he will review all comments to finalize.  The approved document will be sent to the Planning & Zoning Commission and requested to be placed on their agenda.  The Conservation Commission will have an opportunity to stand before Planning & Zoning to discuss and defend the recommendation.  

2.      Transition Planning Update.

Commissioner Hovious discussed his meeting with the First Selectman, Joe Borst. He presented the Conservation Commission’s PowerPoint presentation and discussed various items relating to the Conservation Commission.

As far as the budget, there will be no allocation in the new capital improvement plan for budget years 08/09 and 09/10, seeing that these fiscal years complete the current $2 million per year/$10 million total activity plan.  There are plans for the following budget years, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, to allocate $2 million per year for additional open space funding.  

The First Selectman affirmed his support of the continued purchase and preservation of open space and expressed interest in the preservation of the Rte 25, Rte 302 and I-84 corridor.

They discussed the staff’s role, specifically Mr. Sibley’s role, in the purchase of properties and development of packages for potential purchases.  

The proposed open space plan for the Tech Park was also discussed. The Conservation Commission will have the opportunity to present information before the Board of Selectman and Legislative Council.  They also discussed the Newtown Survey, especially noting that two of the eleven most favorite things in the town were (#3) Small Town Rural Character, and (#4) Newtown Open Space, Woods and Farmland.  

Anne Peters discussed her meeting with Mr. Borst and stated that he expressed interest in joining the Inland Wetlands Commission on a site walk of the Tech Park.  Although the Inland Wetlands Commissioners were invited by the EDC to attend planning sessions, they respectfully declined on the basis that the Inland Wetlands Commission can not provide input into the Tech Park until an application is brought forth to the commission.  She discussed with Mr. Borst how the Aquifer Protection Regulations will be significantly updated this year and that the DEP will be requiring towns to adopt a much more detailed and restrictive aquifer protection regulation. Tech parks are generally prohibited in aquifer areas and it is believed that at least part of the tech park is in an aquifer protection zone.  Currently, the U.S. Geological Survey is in the process of mapping, which should be completed by the fall of 2008.  The information is forwarded to the DEP for approval and then the towns have 90 days to adopt the regulations.  It was significant to note current property owners are not exempt from the new aquifer regulations and the regulations will be considered retroactive.  Additional burdens will be placed on property owners that are within the aquifer protection zone.  

3.      Conservation Commission Draft Presentation Discussion.

The Conservation Commission’s Powerpoint presentation will be presented to the Inland Wetlands Commission during their February 13th meeting and plans will be made to present it to Planning & Zoning and Legislative Council as well. The commissioners will work in pairs as presenters.  Commissioner Barkman asked the commissioners to seek out other groups, such as churches, synagogues, realtors, etc.  Commissioner Barkman has contacted the Women’s Club, the Lions, the Rotary and the Garden Club.  Commissioner Ferguson will go to the Ecology Club at the High School.  The commissioners will walk through the final version at the February 12th meeting.  Commissioner Barkman asked that the commissioners bring their flash drives in as well.

4.      Commerce Road Economic Development/Open Space Discussion.

The commissioners and Mr. Sibley discussed the authority the Economic Development Commission has in the development of the tech park and whether the public and other commissions have a say in it’s plans.  The Newtown Survey was also discussed.  Mr. Sibley felt that the results of the Survey weighted more towards the protection of the Aquifer rather than the development of the tech park.    

5.      Implementation of 2007-2008 Budget

i.      Surveying:  Mr. Sibley stated the indexing has begun and the commission will receive maps in a few weeks.  This will be discussed more during the second meeting in February.
ii.     GIS Training:  Commissioner Kaley researched the training and found that many courses are costly and covers functions that the commissioners do not have privileges to.  She felt the commissioners should continue to become familiar with Arcview on their own and then schedule another class with Mr. Sibley.  

6.      Care and Custody of Open Space

Commissioner Hovious asked Commissioner Wright who would be the contact, in her absence, on the Forest Association with respect to open space stewardship.  She stated Bob Eckenrode is working up plans for each property to see what they need, i.e., removing invasive plants, cutting down dead trees, trail maintenance, etc.  Commissioner Wright will talk to the Forest Association about doing a presentation on open space at their Annual Meeting in May.

IV.     New Business

Memorial Tree for Robert Dean:  Commissioner Cramer suggested the commission donate and plant a tree within town in memory of Lilla Dean’s grandson.  The commission agreed.  She will research this and get back to the commission.  Mr. Sibley stated that the Land Use Agency is also collecting funds for a donation towards the Newtown Scholarship Fund, as requested by the family.

Eagle Scout to make a trail:  Commissioner Barkman spoke regarding an Eagle Scout interested in making a public access trail at Ferris Farm.  Mr. Sibley stated that it may need to go through Inland Wetlands.  The proposed trail will be along 302 to the left of the creamery.  She invited the commissioners to a meeting on Sunday, January 27th at noon.

Planning & Zoning Referral:  Mr. Sibley discussed a P & Z application to review regarding open space for Hattertown, LLC.  

Twenty Years Ago:  Mr. Sibley found interesting information while reviewing older files.  He noted that in the 1980’s there was a controversy over the town budgeting $28,000 towards open space purchases.  It shows how far the commission has come in regards to the protection of open space.  He also noted that the language they used then is very familiar to what is used today.

Commissioner Barkman motioned to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. and Seconded by Commissioner Ferguson.  Motion carried unanimously.